Small Companies Lax On Fire Safety Training

Sep 17, 2015

A survey of 1,000 UK employees, conducted ahead of Fire Door Safety Week, reveals that many employees were not even aware of the steps they should take if the fire alarm was to sound. Nearly a quarter (22 per cent) would look to see what everyone else was doing before taking action, 13 per cent would just ignore it and carry on working and 4 per cent would try and find the fire. The study, commissioned by IronmongeryDirect, finds that only 47 per cent of respondents are aware that their employer carried out regular fire risk assessments, which are a legal requirement. Some 24 per cent say that they aren’t aware of regular risk assessments and 29 per cent don’t know either way. Get Fire Training today to help your staff know what to do when a fire alarm goes off.

When asked about fire door safety, 53 per cent admit that they would not know how to spot a dodgy fire door and 28 per cent don’t actually know that it was illegal to prop open a fire door without a specially designed device approved by the fire authority. Wayne Lysaght-Mason, managing director at IronmongeryDirect says that having robust fire safety procedures in place in the workplace is of the utmost importance as business owners have a duty to ensure that their staff members are safe. ‘Failure to implement a proper fire safety plan not only puts people’s lives at risk, but can lead to prosecution and fines for those responsible for fire safety in the building. ‘One of the most crucial methods of stopping the spread of a fire is to install fire doors and so it is important that they are installed and maintained properly and comply with fire regulations.’

News Story Links

Here is the link to the Small Business news story:
Small companies lax on fire safety training

Fire Training in Aberdeen

Realm Fire & Security provide a range of fire training courses in Aberdeen. It is now an Employers Duty of Care to ensure that members of staff are trained in the use of Fire Extinguishers, how to raise the alarm and evacuation of the premises.

For more information on Fire Training

Do your staff know what steps to take if the fire alarm goes off?

It is your duty as an employer to make sure that they are trained.
Call us today on 01224 710014